In the beginning, there are the words.
Every novelist secretly dreams of a film option, but those
are rarely in the cards.
Book trailers are too often a dime-a-dozen.
Rarely, but sometimes, the stars align and you get something
like a cinematic treatment—however short it might be in form—of your authentic vision.
I LOVE my book
trailer secured for me by my publisher, Betimes Books.
Joose TV and the brilliant Eddie McCaffrey fully delivered a
brilliant book trailer for PERMANENT FATAL ERROR.
In the early going, I was asked to provide a kind of script for the thing. What I delivered ran long—more of a cinematic short film than a proper teaser/trailer.
Eddie sculpted that down, picked up an element or two from
elsewhere in the book. The result is the perfect set-up of my novel and distillation
of its dark themes. We see the mysterious Everett Hyde, author long believed dead, pounding out a wine-stoked warning email to a prying academic.
The music kicks it into overdrive; the noir setting and lighting?
Eddie’s available if you wish to explore the option of your own book trailer with him. His official site is here.
For my part, I just sit back and continue to savor his
vision of my novel.
Check it out here:
PERMANENT FATAL ERROR ordering information: